All proceeds support Homeless Garden Project's nonprofit programs.
Rivas Bees Honey - 1/2 lb
Rivas Bees Honey - 1/2 lb

    Rivas Bees Honey - 1/2 lb


      Rivas Bees Honey sells delicious local honey by the jar and provides pollination to farmers in the surrounding areas of Santa Cruz County. Anselmo Rivas initially worked on an apple farm where he saw a need for bees. He began his beekeeping venture in the late 80s with a few hives and the help of his family. After over 40 years, Rivas Bees Honey continues to prosper and has built a loyal customer base along the way.

      What Rivas loves most about beekeeping is the sense of relaxation that it brings him, as well as the opportunity to be outside in the fresh air. He loves providing this unique and sought-out service for others and appreciates that this business helps him to provide for his family. He has learned many valuable lessons from the bees, the first one being patience. The bees are autonomous and it has taken time to fully understand and better predict their behavior. Another lesson the bees have taught Rivas is the importance of teamwork. The bees work together toward the common goal of making a better colony for the queen and themselves.